Friday, February 11, 2011

Change Blindness!

In this youtube video, people are signing this consent form and then getting a pamphlet. The guy behind the counter, who gives the person the consent form, then bends down, to put the signed consent form away. There is another guy waiting where nobody can see him behind the table, and as the first guy bends down, that guy stands up and hands them the pamphlet. The people being experimented on don't notice the change from one guy to the next. This is known as change blindness; failing to notice changes in the environment you are in.

We read about change blindness in our books, and watched two videos on the different blindness' people have. Some examples are change blindness, change deafness, choice blindness, and inattentional blindness. Each of these things happens everyday to people. Another example of change blindness is watching a movie, and only noticing the "important parts", but as you watch the movie over and over, you notice the littler things that you didn't notice before.

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